Touhou urban legend in limbo combo
Touhou urban legend in limbo combo

touhou urban legend in limbo combo

touhou urban legend in limbo combo

I think the urban legend stuff is equally likely to be a misdirection of some sort, and maybe Futo's ULiL storyline will fit in even better than she did in HM (which she didn't, it was bad). We all assumed HM would be about the religious war when guessing characters (and some people still think that for some reason), and then it turned out to be about Kokoro going through an accelerated character arc with her youkai support group.

Touhou urban legend in limbo combo manual#

Yeah, we have a little manual blurb about the premise, and a tiny preview of Story mode, but pretty much all Touhou games feature a mid-game twist that changes the premise entirely. Keep in mind that we don't actually know what the plot is at this point. Potencial characters whose name where found in the demo's files Thanks again Touhou-Online for the quick confirmation and the Toilet Girl to the community of fighting 2hu soon folks pretty dang fine right now, I have to say and chances are we should certainly hope to see the addition of Mokou, Shinmyoumaru. So the chances of us seeing familiar faces from Touhou 13.5 again (Yay Holy Hijiri) is. So now we have patching community sources confirm that the codes and name lists are in-fact, very real. Nothing is definitive as we aren't supposed to access those files, but it seems to be a list of characters which are actually planned for the complete version (we insist on the non-definitive term: some characters may well be removed before the game goes out for several reasons)" (Each dot is a byte which doesn't correspond to any character) More, it corresponds well to the story game, which is talking about urban legends.Īlso, there is a file with binary data, this: So it's probable that the final boss is a Hanako from toilets. Also, the script file which shows the scene just before "To be continue." where we can see the shadow of the probably final boss, launchs a file called "hanako.csv".

touhou urban legend in limbo combo

"In game files, next to names reimu, marisa and kasen, we sometimes find "hanako". Or as per quoted from this French article of their community, translated into English (thanks Lunya) : The folks over at Touhou-Online, the community in-charge of patching Touhou has just confirmed with me that the leaked name list within the game's codes that we have just reported 2 hours ago are indeed real and exist within the game file:

Touhou urban legend in limbo combo